Monday, September 1, 2008

happy back to school!

Welcome (back) to my blog! I'm excited to start a new school year full of possibilities for discovery, greatness, insights, and fun. 

This summer I redesigned all of my classes to match our campus theme, Blue Devils Go Green! I'm so happy that we're going to approach green issues on our campus and especially in our classes. In my classes you can look forward to eco-themed readings, green research projects, and some experiential lessons (think haiku walks and Thoreauvian exercises in simplicity).

This year we're also starting a multi-cultural student club, the UW-Manty Multi-Cultis, to celebrate the cultures on our campus and learn more about world cultures. 

And, because I've been giving green eating some thought over the summer, I've worked with a group of folks on campus to plan the Port Cities Locavore Challenge. Sign up, pledge to eat locally grown/produced foods, and join the fun. The challenge runs from September 15-30, and will include some fun campus events. 

And, if you're interested in supporting a more veggie friendly campus and you're on facebook, join the group UW Manitowoc Veggie Friends. 

One more invitation: If you'd like to chat more with me, I'm devoting Wednesdays from noon to 1:00 pm to lunch with students. Email me or just stop by my table in the Commons (or the Patio if it's nice out!) and pull up a chair. 

As always, the chocolate bowl in my office is full!


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