Tuesday, July 15, 2008

eng 273: basho

Check out this website for links to 30 different translations of Basho's famous frog poem.

1 comment:

Heiden said...

I very much enjoyed the haiku project on the 11th, although i was a little confused at times. I enjoyed the time in class that we were given to choose a place inside or out, to write a haiku.
I have also found that I enjoy this style of writing in general.

I thoroughly enjoyed Basho's haiku!
I love frogs! I have one at home named the Deuce, that I have had as a pet for eight years now. My being a frog enthusiast makes me enjoy Basho that much more.
I am a little confused as to the syllable count, in Basho's frog haiku? Is a haiku strictly defined as 5 , 7 , 5 count. Or are there shades of grey. And I am also amazed by other writers interpretations/variations of the original haiku.

Where I got confused in class was.
I had went for a jog in the woods found a interesting place where I chose to write. I had spent all 15 minutes working on one haiku with a 5, 7, 5 syllable count. Instead of having written three haiku's taking only 30 second each, without a 5,7,5 count.
I also had a little trouble with the linked haiku exercise in groups. I sound foolish but i initially thought that you wanted us to comment on the haiku it's self in a haiku and not just add to the others members work.

Other than my misinterpretation of the directions I greatly enjoyed it, and hope that my groups linked haiku does well.